Senna and Sanut

Senna and sanut treat some problems facing the digestive system, such as bloating, and are also effective in getting rid of gases.

Senna and sanut

Senna and Sanut have many benefits, the most important of which are the following. Senna and Sanut help treat constipation because it is considered the best and fastest natural laxative of all. Senna and sanut can prepare the digestive system in preparation for a colon examination or even an endoscopy to examine the digestive system. • Senna and sanut also work to treat psoriasis and some other diseases such as colon, especially irritable bowel syndrome, which causes a lot of pain and aches.

It helps to lose weight and raise the level of fat burning. It also works to curb open appetite. It can be relied upon in addition to an organized and integrated diet to lose excess weight in a short time without side effects.

There are several diseases that senna and sanut have arrows in treating, such as liver disease, jaundice, as well as enlarged and inflamed spleen, and malnutrition, which causes anemia.

Senna and sanut are wonderful stimulants for women in the breastfeeding stage because they stimulate the glands responsible for secreting milk in the mother’s breasts. • It is also one of the best diuretics. • In senna and sanut, it regulates the menstrual cycle in women and stabilizes the menstrual period.

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