Licorice compound
Raisins Secs Black Raisins
Raisins Secs Yellow Raisins
Roasted cashews
Pistaches – fresh pistachios
Kiwi séchée Dried kiwi
Ananas séché – dried pineapple
dried fog
Dried plum
Dried Apricots
Natural almonds
Roasted almonds
Roasted and salted peanuts
Peanuts in shell
Noisette grillée salée Hazelnut noisettes - roasted and salted
Roasted and salted Turkish chickpeas
Fresh peanuts
Maïs Salé Grillé - salted roasted corn
Peanuts without shell
Noix de cajou – fresh cashews
Pistaches Coques Grillées Roasted pistachios
Karaka or natural walnut
Magical benefits of nuts and dried fruits
Dried fruits and some types of nuts that we consume in our daily food are “a true ally of health,” thanks to them containing quantities of minerals and sources of vitamins that are important for the body. Nuts contain vitamin E , which is known for its role as an antioxidant, in addition to protecting against common heart diseases and strengthening the immune system. Memory and prevention of Alzheimer's disease, and even some types of cancer.
In addition, nuts contain an amount of unsaturated fats, such as “ omega- 3 ” fats, which help raise the level of good cholesterol in the body and reduce the level of harmful cholesterol, which prompts us to think about consuming them on a regular basis that helps us, not only to enjoy good health. Not only does it prevent physical and psychological diseases that threaten health today.